08 de April

The 8 natural remedies


Have you ever stopped to think about life and habits in an integrated way? In a way that care and health are connected to behaviors and achieved naturally? Do you already know the 8 natural remedies, available to everyone, that are capable of promoting significant improvements in quality of life? They are:


Prioritize foods that provide all the necessary nutrients for the proper functioning of the body and avoid those that can harm the body, always seeking to increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables and legumes. Avoid in excess: fried, refined, processed foods with too much salt and sugar.

TIP: have three regular meals a day


Drinking water throughout the day is essential for the health of the body, as it contributes to the good performance of various body functions.

TIP: consider consuming 35ml of water per kg of body weight


Resting the body and mind is as important as keeping it active. Taking advantage of moments of rest and compression positively affects quality of life. Lack of sleep affects concentration, mood and immunity.

TIP: sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day


Exposing the body to the sun directly impacts vitamin D levels and triggers various benefits for the body. Always use sunscreen, of course! Being outdoors is essential for well-being.

TIP: take 15 to 20 minutes of sun a day

Fresh air

Pay attention to the quality of the air you breathe, that is, look for places where there is ventilation and fresh air to breathe. And one should avoid ingesting contaminated air with, for example, pollution, smoke, and insecticides, as these can harm the airways.

TIP: always keep windows open


Practicing physical activities brings countless benefits to people's lives. It affects well-being, quality of sleep, mood and helps in the treatment of various emotional conditions. The results are long-term.

TIP: WHO (World Health Organization) recommends 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week or 75 minutes of intense physical activity per week.


The WHO (World Health Organization) recognizes that faith influences physical, mental and biological health. Having a belief, whatever it may be, contributes to greater balance and helps bring feelings of satisfaction and tranquility.


Seek a balanced life in work, personal and family relationships, and leisure activities. Quality time and the set of healthy habits that help you have well-being and satisfaction in life.

TIP: give up toxic habits

That is, following these 8 natural remedies will help promote changes in habits and lifestyle, always seeking health and well-being.

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